Making things in a thoughtful manner. That which exemplifies the rigor and demand from the client as well as all who work to accomplish the task. A rudimentary yet refined sense of making that goes beyond assembling processes alone, but a holistic compilation of the skills and talents of all to accomplish something beautiful, thoughtful and unique for each individual that is inspired to take the journey to create and bring forth their ideas into reality.
This isn't a new idea, but yet one that has been suppressed by the natural order of ideas into 3D reality by the limitations of separating the tasks of construction from the ideas of the Architect. The word Architect is derived from - arxitéktōn (from arxi, "first" and /téktōn, "a craftsman") – properly, a chief artesian; a master-craftsman.
["Architect" is derived from (arxitéktōn), i.e. someone responsible from the beginning to the end for the success (beauty, solidarity) of a building.].
As a registered Architect (AR95312) we wanted to bring back the humble notions of what building and construction should entail. Not just plans to be handed off to others for mere paperwork schedules of "contracting", but a holistic vision that begins with 1 entity and executed through a team effort derived of the Client, Architect, Project Management and Craftsman to achieve the desired result. This notion is more closely aligned with the heart and business of what building has always been about.
What we represent is a turning back to quality, detail and process that begins to inform more than just the singular parameter of timeline and budget, but addresses the proper design ideas and a trimming away of the bloated and costly paradigms of the last hundred years. Paradigms which have sapped the creativity and quality from clients. Our goal, through our process, uniquely places the client into the drivers seat. Contact us today, we want to be a part of your unique process.